T.E. Hatton, Author (etc.)

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Faux mock-up of preliminary cover art sample.
Photograph borrowed.

Faux mock-up of preliminary cover art sample.
Photograph borrowed.

A Lifetime to Forget 

Beatrice Freeman grows up in Alabama in the 1940s, opposing the injustices of the Jim Crow era in spite of her upbringing.

In Chicago in 2014, Laura Holmes is at her mother Janice's bedside as the elder Holmes recovers from open-heart surgery to replace a faulty valve. 

Two very different stories, two very different eras and very different people. Join them as they discover lifetimes of loves, losses, family secrets and joys spanning decades. 

​​​​​  BOOKS - in progress

The Prologue - 
The Glenn I. Hatton Memorial Highway of Hope; 
a journey to fund pancreatic cancer research 

Preliminary planning and training underway​.

Click on the book below for more details:

​​​  ​Fiction projects in the works:

  Sports Limericist (College Basketball/March Madness, College Football), Fiction, Non-Fiction, passions, eclecticisms...

​​​  Non-Fiction/Epic in the works