Sports Limericist (College Basketball/March Madness, College Football), Fiction, Non-Fiction, passions, eclecticisms...


I'm currently in the planning and training (oof; I have a long way to go!) stages of a very personal (but I'll share it with you) journey (one which an editor called ‘epic’), a fundraiser for Pancreatic Cancer Research. 

It begins with a blog and (soon) YouTube Video(s), a book in progress called The Prologue, and will culminate in a series of books and film documenting the journey, all to raise awareness of this horrible disease, and with the goal of raising $1,000,000 for the National Institutes of Health and the National Cancer Institute for research. Click here for more.​​

​And you can donate to help me on this journey by clicking below. Thank you SO much for considering a contribution to helping save lives.

  Check back often for updates!

T.E. Hatton, Author (etc.)